Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I think I'm changing

I've never been the neatest person. Tidy would not be an adjective that people would use to describe me but lately somethings have been getting on my nerves. Things like the way my husband leaves his clothes on the floor. Just where ever he takes them off there they lay until I pick them up and put them in the laundry. And the way he never puts his clean clothes away (that's especially ironic since I'm just as bad as he is but I try, I really try to get things put away. I just don't have the space. I guess it's one thing that I have to pick up after the kids but I also have to pick up after him. It used to be that the house would just become a complete disaster area and H-man would lose it and we'd all have to clear out and he'd channel his anger into cleaning and he'd get the place whipped into shape in no time. That doesn't happen any more because I get annoyed before he does and I pick up the slack. I don't use the whole channeling anger approach, or at least I didn't but now I'm starting to get pissed. I'm starting to get concerned for what things will be like when I go back to work. I won't be here all day picking up this thing or that thing and doing the laundry. I'll be at work, and I'll be tired when I get home, I won't want to do all that extra work after working all day.

On the one hand, I feel guilty for even complaining because for many years I was the biggest slob in the house. I just wish he would get with the times and see that slobby me is slowly dying and if he could just help out a bit that would be great. I'd kind of like to see slobby me gone for good. I think it's a real indicator of my mental state that I'd rather have a clean house and resent my husband than have a messy house and not worry about it so much.


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